Friday, August 06, 2010

750 "Hippies" infiltrate Disneyland

August 06, 1970

A bizarre occurence takes place at Disneyland when 750 "Hippies" and "Radical Yippies" infiltrate the park, and take over the Wilderness Fort. They raise the Vietcong flag and pass reefers out to passersbys.

Later, they march in a Main Street parade, and sing their own lyrics to "Zipadee Doo Dah" ("Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Mihn is going to win..."). More conservative park guests try to drown them out by singing "America the Beautiful." Before the confrontation can heat up, a platoon of Anaheim Police officers in full riot gear pour into the park from backstage areas! A riot is adverted and Disneyland vice president of Operations Dick Nunis orders the park closed at 7:10 PM. For many years afterward Disneyland will selectively enforced a "dress code" at the park, occasionally refusing admission to "long-haired hippies".  (This unusual incident is the only time an outside security force has ever made a full-blown public appearance at the park.)


  1. I was there - it wasn't fun. Disneyland offered free entrance the following day, but that was it. I always hated hippies for ruining my childhood Disneyland trip.

    1. YEs fuck hippie

    2. Asshole Yippies. I was there too with my parents and three sisters. We flew all the way from Chicago. I was 10. I was having the time of my life. Then my mother said we had to leave right now. While exiting the park, I was hit in the head with a large dirt/rock ball. Yippies were tearing up the Disney Flower beds and throwning at us. Sdaly we did not return the next day and we're forever sad. Bill D
